If you have been arrested and charged with a drug crime, many serious things are on the line. Not only are you facing jail time and fines, but your future livelihood is on the line. A drug conviction can follow you the rest of your life, and whether you want to pursue school or a career, you future can be negatively affected if a drug crime remains on your criminal record. Just one drug conviction on your record could be detrimental to your future, no matter how small you think the charge may be.
What Should I Do if I’m Charged with a Drug Crime?
If you are arrested for any type of drug crime, you should immediately contact an Omaha lawyer who is educated in the laws and all of the potential defense possibilities. Remember that you are under no obligation to cooperate or talk to prosecutors or law enforcement. Remain non-combative and calm. Also keep in mind that these people are out for their high conviction rates, not for your best interests.
No matter how much pressure they place on you to talk, do not give up any information. A criminal defense lawyer can work hard to eliminate the charges against you. The last thing you want to do is make the prosecutor’s job easy by talking. This helps to seal what might have been a difficult conviction, with the right representation.
What Can a Lawyer Do?
Here, at Johnson & Pekny, LLC, from the moment you retain our services, we will start working on coming up with the best defense as possible to ensure your rights are protected. In some cases, we can suppress evidence due to an illegal search, entrapment, or inability to prove probable cause. We will stand up for your rights. We will work to get charges reduced and, in appropriate circumstances and whenever possible, dropped. Contact us today by calling our offices in Omaha, Plattsmouth and Blair at (402) 298-8288.